Affiliated to CBSE - New Delhi, C.B.S.E Affiliation No. 530336.
Phone No: 01732-298505 , 8295927288
Dussehra Celebration
Classes – I to V
Fruit Rocket
(Date 04 – October – 2022)
Celebration is an ancient ritual. It gives us a way to feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments. Putting Tika on forehead, prayers, religious rituals like burning an effigy of Ravana, this is how we celebrate Dussehra.
To create fun refreshing and healthy treat, that reinforced burning Fruit Rocket based on Dussehra activity was conducted for classes I – V on October, 4. Children made fruit rocket during recess time in their classes. These fun and easy recipes are perfect to celebrate the festivals. They enjoyed doing the activity.