Buddy Reading
(28 October 2022)
“ The more that you read , the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you ‘ll go “.
Reading is one of the most important and priceless activities. It keeps our mind active and healthy. It develops imagination and provides an ocean of knowledge. Communication skills can be improved through reading.
To think more creatively and rediscover life in a better way. Buddy Reading Activity was conducted for classes I to V on 28 Oct 2022, where students read aloud to each other. Fluent readers were paired with less fluent ones so that they can improve their reading skills. Students were appreciated frequently for correct reading. They were monitored and supported as they worked. Through this activity, students improved their vocabulary, came across new words and enhanced the moral values. Students enthusiastically participated in this activity and came to know the importance of reading good books.