Activity Class I to V
15 September 2023
Paper bouquet making of Swar and Vyanjan on Hindi Diwas
विविधताओं से भरे इस देश में लगी भाषाओं की फुलवारी है,
इनमें हमको सबसे प्यारी हिंदी मातृभाषा हमारी है।
September 14 is celebrated as Hindi Diwas every year in India as it promotes national integration that brings together linguistic community in our country.
Hindi is one of the most spoken languages around the world. It is an important part of Indian culture and learning the language can help children to connect with each other and appreciate the country’s rich heritage.
To celebrate this day, an activity was conducted on September 15 in which children of classes Iand II made beautiful bouquets of Swars and classes III to V made the bouquets of the vyanjans with the aim to develop their knowledge skills and understanding of the letters done in the class. Children enjoyed this activity by recapitulating the swars and vyanjans. They made very attractive bouquets using their own innovative ideas.