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We all are aware of the dictum CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS

We all are aware of the dictum


(16 September 2023)


Keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean is really essential. It helps to keep the harmful diseases at bay. Cleanliness helps to prevent the spread of illness and diseases. A clean environment improves the air quality and reduces allergies. It also  enhances our  mental health and reduces stress. A clean home or workspace is more inviting and welcoming. Lack of hygiene is the symbol of evil whereas Cleanliness is the symbol of purity. Most importantly, this habit of cleanliness must be inculcated amongst the kids at a very early age and that too not only by the school but also by the parents as well. It is not a tough task rather teaching our own children the significance of cleanliness is quite easy. Just follow it yourself and your kids will follow you naturally. It is essential for the health and well-being of all the living beings of this planet. It would also mean enhanced beautiful , attractive and healthy surroundings. Always Remember - The Key to Cleaner Planet is in Your Hands

Following are the glimpse of activities conducted in school on CLEANLINESS CAMPAIGN