(22 February 2024)
To update and upgrade the subject knowledge, In-house workshops of all the faculties were conducted today (Thursday, 22February 2024). They commenced with a stress buster activity making the members energised and fresh. HODs and Senior teachers were the resource persons. They apprised the faculty members on how to make their subject teaching more interesting. They also laid stress on more of activity based learning. Besides, NEP -2024 was discussed at length and how to comply with it. What changes are required to adhere with the NEP were also conferred. Amongst the faculties only, the teachers also gave presentations on different topics so as to disseminate the teaching strategies amongst others. Various activities were also conducted where all the faculty members participated. Stress was also laid on the use of AV Aids which would surely enhance the interest and focus of the students.
During the discourse, Practical Application of the concepts was also emphasised. Use of Mobile Lab, Life Activities also gained the spotlight. Activities based on various concepts to be conducted weekly were also finalised.
Prominence was given to groom various subject skills.
Though, we all realise that every faculty member is an expertise in his/her own field but these workshops prove to be quite informative and help in spurring the participants to investigate further on their own and encourage the practice of actual methods. It was a great way to teach hands-on skills as it offered the participants a chance to try out new methods and further execute them in their day to day teaching. To view more photos click here https://springfieldsynr.in/latest/viewsinglealbum/66