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Co curricular activities promote the growth of diverse   mental and personality dimensions. Though they are not a part of usual academic curriculum yet are beneficial for the holistic development if an individual. Their significance cannot be underestimated in a child’s life. 
To groom the mental skills and alertness, a QUIZ was conducted for class XII students based on the endorsement of various brands, their logos and their taglines. One of the crucial decisions of life is deciding one’s career. Getting proper guidance helps the students set long term goals and also find the pathway to achieve them. So, a CAREER COUNSELLING session was organised for class XI students which helped them sort out their queries and also opened new professional avenues where they can tread on. 
We all realize physical fitness is of optimum significance along with the mental fitness. Class X students went for the DRILL EXERCISES to boost up their physical fitness and channelize thrir energies in the right direction. Besidds, class IX students were apprised on DIGITAL DETOXIFICATION and PERSONAL HYGIENE  which would help them remain fit, upright and immaculate.