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(4 May 2024)

Quizzes are interactive platforms where students participate not only to take prize but with an aim to gain knowledge, seek opportunities to excel beyond academics.To encourage the students to widen their knowledge of computers, an Inter-House Computer Quiz was organised on Saturday, 4 May 2024 for classes VI to X. The teams of all the four houses comprised of participants from each class. The various rounds for the competition were basics of computing, history of computer, visual rounds, latest technology, abbreviations, rapid fire etc. Besides, an Intra Class interactive activity on Computers was also organised for classes VI to VIII. The questions put forth  were intriguing and exciting but the teams tried to answer them with confidence. Students surprised everyone with their in-depth knowledge and information of computers. They showcased their brilliance by rapidly answering the questions. It was a very well organised event by the computer department. The audience also enjoyed the quiz and found it to be quite informative and knowledge enriching experience.